Salon Follow-Up Email Template Examples: After Treatment or Appointment Bookings

Key Takeaways:

  • Crafting thoughtful follow-up emails enhances client satisfaction and fosters loyalty.
  • Personalization and timing are crucial for effective communication.
  • Utilizing templates can streamline the process, ensuring consistency and professionalism.
  • Engaging content encourages repeat business and client feedback.

Why Follow-Up Emails are Essential for Your Salon Business

Building Client Relationships

Follow-up emails are not just a courtesy; they are a bridge between your salon and your clients, offering a personalized touch that can significantly enhance client satisfaction and loyalty. A well-timed and thoughtfully crafted email can make clients feel valued, prompting them to return. It’s about transforming a single appointment into a lasting relationship.

Increasing Repeat Business

The power of a follow-up email lies in its ability to remind clients of their pleasant experience, encouraging them to book another appointment. Moreover, these emails serve as a platform to inform clients about upcoming specials, new services, or products they might be interested in, directly contributing to increased repeat business.

Crafting Your Follow-Up Email: Best Practices

Personalization is Key

Incorporate personal details such as:

  • The client’s name
  • The service they received
  • Any personal anecdotes shared during their visit

These additions can transform a generic follow-up into a warm, personal exchange.

Pro Tip: Tools and platforms like MailChimp offer functionalities to easily personalize emails at scale.

Timing Matters

The timing of a follow-up email can greatly impact its effectiveness. Sending an email too soon or too late may not yield the desired outcome. A sweet spot is typically 24-48 hours post-appointment, giving clients enough time to reflect on their experience and consider their future needs.

Clear Call to Actions (CTAs)

Ensure your email includes a clear, compelling call to action. Whether it’s booking their next appointment, checking out a new product, or simply providing feedback on their service, a well-defined CTA guides clients on what to do next.

Salon Follow-Up Email Template Examples

After an Appointment

"Dear [Client's Name], 

Thank you for visiting [Salon Name] yesterday. We hope you enjoyed your [service provided].

Could you spare a moment to share your feedback? It helps us ensure that we continue to provide the best service possible.

Also, don’t forget to book your next appointment to keep your [hair/skin/nails] looking great!

Warm regards, [Your Name]"

After a Product Purchase

"Hi [Client's Name], 

Thank you for purchasing [product name] during your last visit.

Here are a few tips on how to get the best results from your new product... [Include a link to a blog post or video tutorial].

We’d love to hear how it works for you! Best, [Your Salon Name]"

Reminder for Booking Next Appointment

"Hello [Client's Name], 

It’s been a while since your last visit, and we miss you at [Salon Name]!

Did you know that regular [service type] can significantly improve [benefit]?

Book your next appointment with us today and ensure your [hair/skin/nails] stays in its best condition.

See you soon, [Your Salon Name]"

For more inspiration on email content and strategies, see our post on Beauty Salon Email Marketing Ideas

Personalizing Your Templates

Using Client Information Effectively

Incorporate specific details about each client’s previous services to personalize your emails further. This could include mentioning how their [hair/skin/nails] looked after the last treatment and suggesting new treatments or products based on their preferences.

Feedback and Continuous Improvement

Invite your clients to share their experience and provide feedback through a simple form link or reply option. This not only shows that you value their opinion but also helps you tailor your services to meet their expectations better.


How often should I send follow-up emails?

Sending a follow-up email 24-48 hours after a service strikes the perfect balance between being attentive and not overly intrusive. Regular updates or newsletters can be sent monthly to keep your clients engaged without overwhelming them.

Can follow-up emails be automated?

Yes, email automation tools allow you to set up personalized follow-up emails to be sent based on specific triggers, such as after an appointment or purchase. This ensures timely communication with minimal effort.

What are the best practices for A/B testing follow-up emails?

Start by creating two versions of your email with one variable changed (e.g., subject line, CTA). Send these versions to similar segments of your audience to see which performs better, then use this insight to refine your email strategy.

Remember, the key to successful follow-up emails lies in their ability to feel personal and timely. Utilize the templates and tips provided as a starting point, but don’t hesitate to tweak them to better suit your salon’s voice and your clients’ preferences.


  • Adam Hillier

    Adam, a seasoned digital and content marketing strategist, is renowned for his expertise in the beauty sector. Through his leadership at Featheredge Media, he has elevated numerous salons worldwide, bolstering their online presence and guiding them towards exponential growth. Passionate about empowering salon owners, Adam distills his vast knowledge into actionable insights, aiming to transform their businesses and help them thrive in the digital landscape.

    Adam Hillier
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