Beauty Salon Email Marketing Ideas to Increase Customers in September 2023


In this post:

Email marketing ideas for your beauty salon to utilise in September 2023 to get more bookings and fill your appointments.

The Best Salon Email Marketing Ideas in Sept 2023

Email marketing remains an unmatched tool for salons looking to bolster their client base and foster lasting relationships.

By crafting personalized, engaging emails, salons can effectively communicate promotions, news, and updates to their existing clients and attract new ones.

As September 2023 approaches, here are some innovative email marketing strategies, drawing from expert insights, to boost your salon bookings.

September offers a great opportunity to promote your salon.

Deepen Client Relationships with Targeted Messages 

Personalization: Address your clients by their first names and tailor the content to fit their preferences and previous salon interactions.

Value Exchange: Offer something beneficial in your emails, whether it’s exclusive discounts, beauty tips, or early access to new services or products.

Regular Communication: Stick to a consistent emailing schedule, ensuring that clients are informed without feeling overwhelmed.

Celebratory Discounts and Specials

Grandparents Day Specials: Offer unique treatments or packages tailored for the elderly clientele.

Business Woman Day: Introduce a VIP networking party for female entrepreneurs and professionals.Birthday Deals: A tried-and-true tactic; celebrate client birthdays with exclusive offers or treats.

Business Woman Day Email Template:

Subject: Empower and Shine, Ladies! 🌟

Dear [First Name],

As we celebrate Business Woman Day this September, we’re honoring all the hardworking women out there with a special VIP networking party at [Salon Name]. Enjoy exclusive beauty treatments while mingling with fellow female powerhouses!

Date: [Specify Date]

Time: [Specify Time]

Location: [Your Salon Address]

RSVP by [Specific Date] and get an exclusive 10% discount on our premium services.

Shine on,

[Your Salon Name] 

Engaging Content and Design.

Clear Design: Keep your emails visually appealing and easily readable, reflecting your salon’s branding.

Concise Content: Offer valuable content in short, engaging snippets, avoiding overly lengthy emails.

Include Stunning Visuals: Use high-quality images showcasing your services or products to captivate the reader.

Interactive September-Themed Content 

Lazy Mom’s Day Competition: Encourage moms to share their relaxing beauty routines and offer prizes for the best entries.

Fight Procrastination Day: Motivate clients to book services they’ve been delaying using SMS or email marketing.

Ask A Stupid Question Day: Engage followers by addressing common beauty myths or fun beauty facts.

Ask A Stupid Question Day Email Template:

Subject: No Beauty Question is Too Silly! 🌸

Hello [First Name],

Ever wondered if unicorns use conditioner? Or why glitter is so irresistible? Today is “Ask A Stupid Question Day”, and we’re here for all your quirky beauty questions!

Reply to this email with your funniest or weirdest beauty questions and stand a chance to win a surprise gift!

Stay curious,

[Your Salon Name]

Leverage Powerful Tracking Features.

Tracking and Optimization: Use tools like Mailchimp to track your email open rates, click-through rates, and conversion rates. By understanding what resonates with your audience, you can tailor future campaigns for maximum effectiveness.

Segmenting Lists: Segment your email list to target specific clientele with offers and content that cater to their preferences.

Maximize List Building Strategies

Collect Emails During Appointments: This direct method ensures that your clients are aware and interested in your communications.

Online & In-Store Signups: Offer incentives for signing up to your newsletter, like discounts on their next booking.

Social Media Integration: Encourage signups through your salon’s social media channels.

Online & In-Store Signups Email Template:

Subject: Unlock Exclusive Beauty Benefits! ✨

Hi there,

Ever thought of getting beauty insights, tips, and exclusive discounts straight to your inbox? Join our beauty community today!

Sign up for our newsletter and enjoy a 15% discount on your next visit.

[Link to Sign Up]

Let’s make beauty happen,

[Your Salon Name]

Introduce Exclusive Email Promotions

Abandoned Cart Rescues: If you have an online store, remind clients of products they’ve shown interest in and offer a limited-time discount to encourage purchase.

Limited-Time Offers: Create a sense of urgency with offers available only for a short period or until stock lasts.

Abandoned Cart Rescue Email Template:

Subject: Left Something Behind, [First Name]?

Hey [First Name],

We noticed you had your eye on some beauty goodies but didn’t complete the purchase. Good news! Here’s a 10% off just for you to finalize that cart.

[Link to Cart]

Hurry, this offer lasts for only 48 hours!

Beauty awaits,

[Your Salon Name]

Engage Through Value-Added Content

Informative Newsletters: Share beauty tips, industry trends, and expert insights, making your emails a resource as well as a promotional tool.

Service Alignment: Craft freebies and offers that align with your salon services. For instance, if you’ve introduced a new facial treatment, offer a downloadable PDF guide on skincare routines.

Special Offers: Conclude emails with limited-time discounts or promotional packages to incentivize bookings.

Service Alignment Email Template:

Subject: The Ultimate Guide to [New Service, e.g., “Hydrating Facials”]

Dear [First Name],

We’re excited to introduce our new [Service Name, e.g., “Hydrating Facial”]! And to celebrate, we’ve crafted an exclusive guide on [Topic related to service, e.g., “the best skincare routines for dry skin”] just for you.

[Link to Downloadable PDF Guide]

Book an appointment this month and get 20% off on our new [Service Name].

To radiant skin,

[Your Salon Name]

Feedback and Reviews Integration

Request Reviews: Encourage satisfied clients to leave positive reviews online, boosting your salon’s online credibility.

Constructive Feedback: Invite clients to provide feedback, allowing you to refine your services and ensure maximum satisfaction.

Stay Ahead with Automation

Email Automation: Set up triggers to send personalized emails on special occasions, post-service, or when a client hasn’t visited in a while.

Scheduled Campaigns: Plan ahead by scheduling themed email campaigns to ensure consistent and timely communication.

Looking for more ways to market your salon in September? View our guide here: 

Capitalize on the Changing Seasons

As September unfolds, salons can capitalize on the changing seasons and upcoming events.

Embrace these email marketing strategies, catered specifically for beauty salons, to ensure your chairs stay occupied and your clients remain engaged and loyal.

Remember, a well-executed email campaign not only boosts bookings but also fosters a deeper connection with your clientele.

Looking for an easy way to increase your salon’s bookings?

Book a free consultation with us at Featheredge Media


  • Adam Hillier

    Adam, a seasoned digital and content marketing strategist, is renowned for his expertise in the beauty sector. Through his leadership at Featheredge Media, he has elevated numerous salons worldwide, bolstering their online presence and guiding them towards exponential growth. Passionate about empowering salon owners, Adam distills his vast knowledge into actionable insights, aiming to transform their businesses and help them thrive in the digital landscape.

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